
1. The Shell

pwd → Print working directory

cd → Change directory (Ex: cd /home/isildur/Documents change to Documents directory)

cd .. → Change directory to parent directory

cd ~ → Change directory to your home directory

cd - → Go back to previous directory

Looking at files

ls → List files in directory

ls -la → Shows a detailed list of files in long format (-l) and lists all hidden files (-a)

file → Shows info about a file (what type of file it is) and a description of the file's contents

cat → Output the content of a file

less → Output the content of a file in a page manner, so you can navigate through a text file page by page

more → Output the file but hust a little bit at a time, similar to less

Working with files

touch → Create a new file

cp → Copy

mv → Move files and also renames them

mkdir → Make a directory

mkdir -p new/thisonetoo/and/this/one → Make entire directory structure

rm → Remove file

rm -rf ./directory → Remove recursively and its content. Very dangerous!

rmdir → Remove empty directory


history → Show commands history

sudo → Used before commands to execute this commands as root

sudo -l → List what rights the sudo user has

cat /etc/sudoers → Find which users have sudo rights

Finding Files

find → Slower command to locate files but a lot more thorough. You can search for files recursively and with regex and lof of more features

find /home -name picture.jpg → Find if there is a file named picture.jpg in the home directory

find /home -type d -name MyFolder → Find a directory (-type d) named MyFolder in the home directory

find / -name file 2>/dev/null → Send all permisions denied outputs to dev/null

locate → Locates files or directories really fast on an internal database

sudo updatedb → Updates database in order to run the locate command

which → Outputs the path of the binary that you are looking for, searching through the directories that are defined in you $PATH variable

2. String manipulation

stdout (Standard Out)

echo Hello World > new.txt → Adds "Hello World" to the new.txt file, overwritting it

echo Hello World >> new.txt → Adds "Hello World" to the new.txt file without overwritting it (appends)

stdin (Standard In)

cat < new.txt > other.txt → Redirects new.txt content as stdin to the other.txt file (< used for stdin redirection)

stderr (Standard Error)

ls /fake/directory 2> new.txt → Redirect stderr to the new.txt file

ls /fake/directory > new.txt 2>&1 → Redirect stderr and stdout to the new.txt file

Pipe and tee

ls -la /etc | less → Pipe less with the ls -la command

ls | tee new.txt → Displays the content of ls in the screen and inside the new.txt file

env (Environment)

echo $HOME → Path to your home directory

echo $USER → Returns username

env → Returns information about the environment variables

echo $PATH → Returns a list of paths separated by a colon that the system searches when it runs a command

Editing Text

sed "1d" → Removes first line of file/stream

cut -c 5 new.txt → Outputs the 5th character in each line of the new.txt file

cut -f 2 new.txt → Extract contents by a field, by default everything separated by a TAB is a field.

cut -f 1 -d ";" new.txt → Extract first field separated by ;

head → Outputs the first 10 lines of a file

head -n 15 → Outputs the first 15 lines of a file

tail → Outputs the last 10 lines of a file

tail -n 15 → Outputs the last 15 lines of a file

join file1.txt file2.tx → Joing file1.txt and file2.txt

sort new.txt → Sort new.txt in alphabetic order

sort -r new.txt → Sort new.txt in reverse alphabetic order

sort -n new.txt → Sort new.txt by numerical value

tr a-z A-Z → Translate all lower case character to uppercase characters

cat new.txt | tr -d "." → Remove all dots

cat new.txt | tr "." "_" → Remove all dots and replace them with underscores

uniq new.txt → Remove all adjacent duplicates in new.txt

uniq -c new.txt → Get the count of how many occurences are on a line

uniq -u new.txt → Gets only unique values

uniq -d new.txt → Gets only duplicate values

sort new.txt | uniq → Remove all duplicates in new.txt even if they are no adjacent

wc /etc/passwd → Shows the toal count of words in a file

nl new.txt → Check the count of lines on a file

grep pattern new.txt → Finds "pattern" inside the new.txt file

grep -i pattern new.txt → Finds case insensitive "pattern" in the new.txt file

ls /somedir | grep '.txt$' → Returns all files ending with .txt in somedir

awk '{print}' filename → Prints every line of a file

awk '/' error.log → Filters out specific IP address

awk '/ {print $4}' error.log → Print out the forth column of a file

awk '{print $2,$5;}' error.txt → Prints out columns 2 and 5

awk -F ':' '{print $1}' test.txt → Prints first column of test.txt with : as a delimiter

3. User management

su → Opens a root shell

adduser NameOfUser → Add a new user

useradd NameOfUser → Another way to add a new user

adduser NameOfUser sudo → Add user to sudo-group

echo "username ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers → On some machines we might not be able to adit the sudoers file because we don't have an interactive shell, in this case we can just redirect the text into the file

cat /etc/group | grep sudo → Check which users are in the sudo group

su NameOfUser → Switch user in terminal

sudo userdel NameOfUser → Remove/delete user

4. Permissions

ls -la → Show all the files and directories and their permission settings

chmod +x → Give executable permissions to all users

chmod -x → Remove executable permissions to all users

chmod 777 file → Give read, write and execute permissions to all users on that file

sudo chown myfile → Give ownership of myfile to all users

passwd → Change password of current user

sudo chmod u+s myfile → Modify SUID permissions to grant read, write and execyte to all users

5. Processes

ps → list all running processes

ps aux → Displays a detailed list of all processes running that don't have TTY associated with.

top → monitor processes at real time

kill PID-number → Kill process running on the PID number

kill -9 PID-number → Another way to kill the process

ls /proc → List process information stored in the filesystem

6. Packages

Install package

sudo apt install → Install something with apt

sudo dpkg -i → Install .deb file

Remove packages

dpkg --list → Find package

dpkg -r something.deb → Remove debian package

sudo apt --purge remove nameOfProgram → Remove program

sido apt autoremove → Remove dependecies left behind

Organizing $PATH variable

source /etc/environment && export PATH → Define the path

If using zhs:

sudo vim /etc/zsh/zshenv
source /etc/environment #add this to the file

Adding a path

export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin → Non-presistent way to add binaries to the path

tar and gzip

gzip myfile → Compress a file with gzip

gunzip myfile.gz → Decompress a file ith gzip

tar cvd myfile.tar myfile1 myfile2 → Create and add files to a tar archive

tar xvf myfile.tar → Unpacking archives with tar

tar vzf myfile.tar.gz → Create a compressed tar file with tar and gzip

tar xzf myfile.tar → Uncompress and unpack tar file with tar and gzip

7. Cronjobs

There are two ways to configure cronjobs. The first one is by putting scripts in the following folders.


The second way is to write the command in the crontab

# list cronjobs
crontab -l

# Edit or create new cronjobs
crontab -e

8. Devices

fdisk -l → List all devices

9. The Filesystem

Difference between sbin and bin

sbin → System Binaries

bin → Normal Binaries

Onry root and users with sudo privileges have access to sbin Binaries.


Everything on the linux-filesystem belongs to some part of the filesystem-tree. So if we plug in some device we need to mount it to the filesystem. That pretty much means that we need to connect it to the filesystem. Mount is like another word for connect.

mount /dev/usb /media/usb → Mount usb device to be able to browse its content

umount /media/usb → Umount usb device

10. Controlling Services


Systemctl can be used to enable and disable various services on your linux machine.

netstat -apnt → Verify services listening for connection

systemctl start → Start service

systemctl status → See service's status

systemctl stop → Stop service

systemctl enable → Enable service start upon boot


nit.d is just a wrapper around Systemctl.

/etc/init.d/cron status
/etc/init.d/cron start
/etc/init.d/cron stop

11. Kernel

The Kernel is responsible for talking between the hardware and the software, and to manage the systems resources.

The Linux Kernel differs from Windows in that it contains drivers by default. So you don't have to go around looking for drivers like you do on windows when you want to install a printer, or something like that.

sudo apt update → Update system

sudo apt upgrade → Upgrade system

sudo apt dist-upgrade → Upgrade system to the lates Linux kernel

14. Logging

Logs can be viewed on /var/log/ in debian distributions

16. Network basics

Network interfaces

ifconfig → Display network interfaces

ifconfig eth0 netmask up → Create an interface and bring it up

ifup eth0 → Bring interface up

ifdown eth0 → Bring interface down

ip link show → Show interface information for all interfaces

ip -s link show eth0 → Show the statistics of an interface

ip address show → Show ip addresses allocated to interfaces

ip link set eth0 up → Bring interface up

ip link set eth0 down → Bring interface down

ip address add dev eth0 → Add an ip address to an interface


sudo route add -net gw → Add a new route

sudo route del -net → Delete a route

ip route add via → Add route with ip command

ip route delete → Delete route with ip command


sudo dhclient → Obtain a fresh ip


arp → View arp cache

ip neighbour show → View arp cache with ip command


ping -c 3 [](<>) → Test whether or not a packet can reach a host and stop sending echo request packets after the count (3) has been reached

traceroute [](<>) → See how packets are getting routed

sudo tcpdump -i wlan0 → Capture packet data on an interface

netstat -anpt → Find out what services are listening for connection on the machine

sudo service network-manager restart → Restart the network manager

rfkill list → List wifi to see if its blocked or not

rfkill block 0 → Block wifi interface

rfkill unblock 0 → Unblock wifi interface


nslookup [](<>) → Query name servers to find information about resource records

dig [](<>) → Getting information about DNS name servers

16.1 Iptables

Iptables is a firewall tool in linux. A firewall is basically a tool that scans incoming and/or outgoing traffic. You can add rules to the iptables to filter for certain traffic.

Types of chains

So you can filter traffic in three different ways input, forward, and output. These are called three different chains.

INPUT This is for incoming connections. If someone wants to ssh into your machine. Or a web-server responds to your request.

FORWARD This chain is used for traffic that is not aimed at your machine. A router for example usually just passes information on. Most connections are just passing through.

OUTPUTThis chain is used for outgoing traffic.

Active rules

iptables -L → View active rules

Return iptables to default settings:

iptables --policy INPUT DROP
iptables --policy OUTPUT DROP
iptables --policy FORWARD DROP

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP → Block an ip address (-A for append and -s for source)

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP → Block an entire range

iptables -L -v --line-numbers → Output the rules with line-numbers

iptables -D INPUT 2 → Remove on specific rule

iptables -F → Remove all rules

sudo /sbin/iptables-save → Save changes made to iptables

Measuring bandwidth usage

iptables -L -v → List the rules with some verbosity

iptables -Z → Restart iptables count

iptables -F → Remove all the rules and FLUSH them

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -j ACCEPT → Add another rule

Last updated